The AGM 2024 will be held on Wednesday April 24, 2024 and will be conducted as a virtual AGM with no physical presence. There will be a public live stream of the speeches of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board and the Chairman of the Executive Board. Please use this link.
Via our InvestorPortal you can conveniently and easily register for the Annual General Meeting, exercise your voting rights or authorize a third party as well as submit statements and questions to be answered during the AGM. For information about data protection for shareholders click here.
Annual financial statements and consolidated financial statements of Vitesco Technologies Group AG and Schaeffler AG for the financial years 2021, 2022 and 2023 as well as the combined management reports of Vitesco Technologies Group AG and the Group and of Schaeffler AG and the Group for the financial years 2021, 2022, 2023
The Annual General Meeting 2023 of Vitesco Technologies Group AG will be held on Wednesday, May 17, 2023 as a non-virtual event at marinaforum Regensburg. Please follow this link for the live webcast of the opening of the Annual General Meeting and the speeches of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board and the Chairman of the Executive Board.
Start: 10.00 am (CET)
Admission: from 8.00 am (CET)
marinaforum Regensburg
Johanna-Dachs-Straße 46
93055 Regensburg
For further details and information, please refer to our invitation notice, which was published in the electronic Federal Gazette and on our website on April 3, 2023.
For information about data protection for shareholders click here.
The Annual General Meeting of Vitesco Technologies Group AG will be held on Wednesday, 17 May 2023 at 10:00 am (CEST) at marinaforum, Johanna-Dachs-Straße 46, 93055 Regensburg.
Admission to marinaforum Regensburg starts from 8:00 am (CEST).
The end of the Annual General Meeting cannot be anticipated since it depends on the progress of the meeting and the number of questions asked.
Arrival by car
You have the possibility to park free of charge at the parking lot east of Donau-Arena. Please have your invitation ticket to the Annual General Meeting of Vitesco Technologies Group AG ready for this purpose.
The address you should enter in your navigation system is Walhalla-Allee 22, 93059 Regensburg.
From 7:45 am (CET) on the day of the Annual General Meeting, there will be a shuttle service to take Annual General Meetings participants from parking lot east of Donau-Arena to marinaforum Regensburg. After the end of the Annual General Meeting, shuttle buses will be available to take participants back to the parking lot east of Donau-Arena.
Arrival by public transport
By bus, you can reach marinaforum Regensburg via the
By ICE, EC, IC and IR trains you can reach marinaforum via Regensburg main station and from there via the bus lines mentioned above.
By plane you can reach marinaforum via the airports Munich (85 km) and Nuremberg (110 km) and from there directly to Regensburg.
Regarding accommodation you have the possibility to contact the Tourist-Information Regensburg. The Tourist-Information office can be reached from Monday to Saturday from 10:00 am (CET) to 4:00 pm (CET) by phone +49-94-50-4410 or by e-mail Further information can be found on the Tourist Information homepage.
The entrances to the meeting rooms are barrier-free, thereby also enabling shareholders with restricted mobility to participate in the Annual General Meeting.
In the interest of all participants, we perform security checks in the entrance area of the marinaforum. We therefore ask you to allow a little more time upon your arrival.
You are not allowed to take dangerous objects into the assembly area. These will be confiscated for the duration of the meeting. To make things easier for both parties, please do not bring such items with you.
Article 18 of the Articles of Association entitles those shareholders of Vitesco Technologies Group AG to participate in the Annual General Meeting of Vitesco Technologies Group AG and to exercise their rights to ask questions and vote who have registered for the Annual General Meeting by Thursday, 10 May 2023, by 24:00 hrs (CET) at the latest and are at the time of the Annual General Meeting recorded in the share register for the shares they registered.
The last day on which invitation documents are dispatched is 26 April 2023. If you have not received an invitation, please contact us by Aktionärsservice der Vitesco Technologies Group AG: Vitesco Technologies Group Aktiengesellschaft
c/o Computershare Operations Center
80249 München
Telephone-Number: +49 89 30903 6411 (Monday until Friday from 09:00 am to 05:00 pm (CET)),
Please register by latest Wednesday, 10 May 2023 by 24:00 hrs CET) to participate in the Annual General Meeting. Details are contained in the invitation letter that will be sent to you by post or email from 17 April 2023 onwards.
You can register by post to Vitesco Technologies Group Aktiengesellschaft, c/o Computershare Operations Center, 80249 München or by email to or, subject to its technical availability, electronically from 18 April 2023 via the website at
Yes. You have the option to register yourself or your representative electronically via the internet. This internet service will be available from 18 April 2023 at . You will receive the shareholder number required for access and your individual access number together with your invitation. You will find more information on the registration form as well as on the above-mentioned web page.
If you register via the website, you can choose to receive the entrance ticket by e-mail, print it out yourself, or download it to your mobile device.
At the same time as the convening notice and agenda is published in the Federal Gazette, our web page will provide you with the documents to be made accessible, possible shareholder motions as well as other information related to the Annual General Meeting.
Documents to be made accessible will also be available during the Annual General Meeting at the request-to-speak desk.
The current Annual Report can be viewed at or requested in PDF format via The Annual Report will also be available in electronic form at the terminals next to the information desk during the Annual General Meeting.
You will find an explanation of key shareholder rights in relation to the Annual General Meeting on our website in the section: further information.
The shareholders and shareholder representatives attending the Annual General Meeting will be recorded in the register of participants. Once the chair of the meeting has announced the shares represented at the Annual General Meeting, the electronic register of participants can be viewed on terminals next to the information desk.
If you wish to speak during the Annual General Meeting with regard to one or several agenda items, please report to the request-to-speak desk in the meeting room. Please register requests to speak as soon as possible. Should you have prepared questions in writing, we ask you to submit these at the request-to-speak desk. This will make it easier to give a prompt response. Please note, furthermore, that written questions submitted in advance must also be asked in person during the Annual General Meeting.
Shareholders can be represented by a proxy during the Annual General Meeting, e.g. a credit institution, a shareholders’ association or any other third party and have their voting right exercised by such proxy.
It is also possible to give authorisation and instructions to the proxies appointed by Vitesco Technologies Group AG, who will be bound by such instructions. The proxies can exercise the voting right only on those points of the agenda on which you have issued explicit and clear instructions. In the absence of such instructions, the proxies will abstain from voting on the respective voting matter. The proxies are obliged to vote as instructed. The proxies shall be restricted to representing shareholders during voting; they will consequently not accept any mandates on requesting to speak, on entering an objection against resolutions of the Annual General Meeting or on asking questions or submitting motions.
The form printed on the entrance ticket/ AGM Card can be used to grant authorisation and issue instructions where applicable. The completed form must be received by latest Wednesday, 10 May 2023, by 24:00 hrs (CET) in paper form or email at the following address: Vitesco Technologies Group Aktiengesellschaft, c/o Computershare Operations Center, 80249 München oder unter der E-Mail-Adresse Please note the postal delivery times.
Personal attendance of a shareholder or an authorised third party at the Annual General Meeting will automatically revoke any authorisations and instructions issued to the proxies.
Authorisations and instructions can also be issued and revoked on the website at
On the day of the Annual General Meeting, the internet service will be available on the website, subject to its technical availability, until the end of the general debate. You can furthermore grant, amend or revoke power of proxy and instructions to the proxies by completing the authorisation form printed on the entrance ticket and submitting this at the desks provided for this purpose at Annual General Meeting.
Shareholders with an electronic entrance ticket/AGM Card will additionally receive an authorisation form by email.
Yes. Postal votes can only be cast, changed or revoked electronically via the InvestorPortal at
The InvestorPortal is also available for the submission, amendment or revocation of postal votes during the Annual General Meeting until the time specified by the Chairman of the Meeting at the Annual General Meeting.
The voting results are published after the Annual General Meeting on Vitesco Technologies Group AG’s website:
If you wish to only temporarily leave the Annual General Meeting, please submit your entrance / AGM card at one of the registration desks, where it will be kept for you. If you would like to return to the Annual General Meeting, please contact one of the registration desks. You will then again be registered as an attendant and can resume exercising your shareholder rights.
Should you use an electronic entrance ticket / AGM Card, please show this at one of the registration desks.
If you wish to finally leave the Annual General Meeting before it has ended, we ask you to note the following:
If you wish to authorise another participant to continue exercising your shareholder rights, you will receive an authorisation form at one of the registration desks that we ask you please complete and hand in at one of the desks when leaving the Annual General Meeting. Please pass your entrance ticket / AGM Card to your proxy. Should you use an electronic entrance ticket, you will also be given an authorisation form as well as a replacement ticket for handover to the proxy.
If you wish to authorise the proxies appointed by Vitesco Technologies Group AG to exercise your voting right, please complete the form provided for this purpose on the entrance ticket / AGM Card and submit it at one of the registration desks. Should you use an electronic entrance ticket / AGM Card, you will also receive an authorisation and instruction form there. Please note that proxies can exercise the voting right on your behalf only on those points of the agenda on which you have issued specific instructions.
If you are not interested in continued representation of your shareholder rights, please hand in your entrance ticket / AGM Card at one of the registration desks when leaving the Annual General Meeting. The register of participants will then be updated accordingly. If you use an electronic entrance ticket, please also sign out at one of the registration desks.
Should you hold several (electronic) entrance tickets / AGM Cards, please hand them all in at one of the registration desks.
We will be pleased to look after your items free of charge. We kindly ask you to hand your items in after entering the attendance area. In particular, we ask you to check in larger bags, suitcases, backpacks and umbrellas.
Please note that smoking is generally prohibited in marinaforum Regensburg. It is permitted only in the designated smoker area in the courtyard.
We ask you to switch your mobile off or set it on silent in the meeting room to ensure that the Annual General Meeting is not disrupted.
To avoid disruption to orderly running of the event, video and sound recordings are not permitted during the Annual General Meeting. This also applies to the use of cameras and recording devices in mobile phones and tablets.
The speech given by the CEO of Vitesco Technologies Group AG can be accessed live on the internet via Vitesco Technologies Group AG’s website at and will be available as a recording after the Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting will otherwise not be broadcasted or recorded. The cameras and microphones set up in the meeting room serve only to transmit onto the screen, monitors and speakers.
The AGM 2022 will be held on Thursday May 5, 2022 and will be conducted as a virtual AGM with no physical presence to protect against health threats associated with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. There will be a public live stream of the speeches of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board and the Chairman of the Executive Board. Please use this link.
Via our InvestorPortal you can conveniently and easily register for the Annual General Meeting, exercise your voting rights or authorize a third party as well as submit statements and questions to be answered during the AGM.
For information about data protection for shareholders click here.
For further questions feel free to contact Vitesco Technologies Group AG’s shareholder service on
+49 89 30903 6411
from Monday to Friday (except holidays) between 9:00 and 17:00 hours (CEST).
You can also reach the shareholder service by email at